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Master’s & MBA Programmes at European Business School (EBS)

Escrito por Comunicação UFLA | Publicado: Terça, 08 Abril 2008 21:00 | Última Atualização: Terça, 08 Abril 2008 21:00

The EBS stands for academic excellence, entrepreneurial spirit, and cultural diversity. All students participate in a foreign exchange at one of our partner universities as part of their programme. We have an outstanding network of academics and business leaders who provide our students with solid academic know-how and strong practical skills. The EBS is the leading business school for students with ambitions to be tomorrow’s business leaders.

All Master’s programmes prepare students for further academic study and/or the strategic and conceptual tasks they will face as leaders in a constantly changing global workplace. We offer flexible programmes with relevant specializations that fit each student’s individual needs: Master’s in Management, Master’s in Business & Law, Master’s in Finance, Master’s in Real Estate.

Our 18-months MBA programme is designed to educate talented ambitious professionals who have at least three years of working experience and prepare them for international management positions. The programme is an intensive general management course that is offered in cooperation with renowned universities in the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China).


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